
Churchfields Care Home owners on their bikes in Paris

Churchfields Care Home owners cycle to Paris

Owners of Churchfields Care Home have raised money for Bloodwise, a charity who funds world-…

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Gangsta Grannies Team

Gangsta Grannies raise £1,200 for local hospice

A team from leading mobility and home healthcare equipment supplier Clearwell Mobility, took…

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Healthcare staff from Nuffield Health Hospital taking on the Great North Run

Healthcare staff tackle Great North Run on behalf of local hospice

Kind-hearted healthcare professionals from Nuffield Health Newcastle Hospital will complete the…

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Lacey Turner for Cupcake Day

Lacey Turner joins in for Alzheimer’s Society’s Cupcake Day 2019

Dust off your baking bowls and whip out your whisks, Alzheimer’s Society’s Cupcake Day is back…

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Daredevil nurses Sue & Julie will be zip lining for children’s hospice

Daredevil nurses zip line for children’s hospice

A DAREDEVIL 70-year-old nurse will take on three zip lining challenges in just two hours to…

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Care home staff packing shopping for children’s cancer charity

Care home staff pack shopping for children’s cancer charity

GENEROUS shoppers have donated hundreds of pounds to children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent…

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Hospital tombola helps care home raise funds for charity

Hospital tombola helps care home raise funds for charity

CARE home staff are continuing to raise hundreds of pounds for stroke survivors and their…

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Supermarket bag pack raises funds for care home flower beds

Supermarket bag pack raises funds for care home flower beds

CARERS have been packing shopping bags to buy elderly residents raised flower beds for their…

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“It’s like a blanket on a cold night” video

“It’s like a blanket on a cold night”

Grants available for older people struggling to heat their home

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