Runwood Homes - Yellow Ribbon scheme

At Runwood Homes, we believe that it is of utmost importance that we treat Runwood Homes - Yellow Ribbonour residents with dignity and respect in life and after passing. We have introduced the yellow ribbon as a sign of respect and remembrance.

If a resident sadly passes away, a yellow ribbon will be present on their bedroom door handle so that all residents, staff and visitors are aware. We believe this is a comfort for families and friends and can help with the grieving process and for everyone to fondly remember them.

At the end of life, a Comfort Wicker Basket will be placed in a resident’s room containing some important, personal belongings so that a special item may be picked out by a loved one to keep. The chosen item will be something that provides comfort at an emotional time. A meeting will be held with residents and families to decide what items they’d like included in their basket.

Please speak to any staff member to discuss the Yellow Ribbon.
