Residents at Pelton Grange care home enjoy dementia friendly screening of hit musical

A DEMENTIA friendly screening of blockbuster musical Mamma Mia! was a hit with Pelton Grange care home residents in the North East.

More than a dozen residents and staff from Pelton Grange Care Home watched the movie at Pelton Community Centre, on Front Street, Pelton, near Chester-le-Street.

Popcorn, crisps, biscuits and tea were served throughout, with residents free to chat, get up and move around if they wished.

Many staff members attended on their day off with their children.

Chris Hogan-Hind, home manager at Pelton Grange Care Home, even got up for a danPelton Grange Care Home resident Margaret Carr (right) with her daughter Christine Mordue at a dementia friendly screening of Mamma Mia!.ce with resident Brenda Clifford during the movie’s finale, accompanied by ABBA hit Waterloo.

He said: “Everybody sang along to the songs. There was laughter and joy all round.

“For the residents who couldn’t necessarily follow the story, they were able to enjoy the music and have a wonderful afternoon.”


Pelton Grange Care Home is part of the Hill Care Group. For further information visit